Be Scientific.
Be Creative.
Dr. Kathleen “Kate” Gillespie is a scientist, a published poet, short story writer, and playwright. As Kate Gillespie, her literary work has appeared in Gargoyle Magazine, Silver Blade Magazine, Urbanite Magazine and others. For several years, she has been a Writer in Residence at Renaissance House Writer's Retreat in Martha's Vineyard.
She held a two year Nanotechnology fellowship at Lund University in Sweden. While a biology undergrad at Rutgers, she minored in English and Literature. Kathleen holds a MS in Environmental Science and PhD in Marine Biotechnology from University of Maryland at the Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology (IMET).
She is a veteran STEM and STEAM advocate and has mentored dozens of Baltimore City Public School students. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor of Biotechnology at SUNY Cobleskill.
Dr Rosemary Jagus, Director of IMET internship program, and Dr Kathleen Gillespie at IMET post commencement at University of Maryland College Park.
Some of my public engagements in Science

Zebrafish ( Dario rerio) a useful model for translational protein studies
Gotta get that marine bacteria isolate!
The Baltimore Harbor…. Just look in it!
My presentation for the IGNITE! Baltimore talk, to encourage people to be observant of the world around them (even in polluted places!), to be stewards of the environment, and to enjoy the surprises of life where they find it